This week marks the story #20 from Portraits of Justice - and I would like to say how profoundly grateful I am for the support all the way around the globe that I have received for this project. You do these powerful stories honour with your attentions.
This week I share with you the story of Douglas from {Harare, Zimbabwe}, in the south of Africa. I originally met Douglas in Ottawa, Canada, and then interviewed and photographed him in Prali, Italy. Douglas is powerful young voice for justice, speaking in the face of political oppressions in his home spaces. A member of the the Student Christian Movement of Zimbabwe, he is an inspiring leader for a rising generation.
my country justice is a privilege for the affluent, and a privilege
for those who are politically correct – when I say 'politically
correct,' I mean those are linked to the ruling party. If you do not
have connections to the ruling political party justice is something
that you might not realize. Our justice system is controlled by the
ruling party. It is only those who are politically connected that can
enjoy justice in my country"
"We have witnessed a lot of injustices
to the opposition, or those who are perceived to be the opposition.
Even if you want to demonstrate or to raise concerns against the
government, you will find yourself arrested or being tortured by the
government. I myself, being a political activist in my country, have
been jailed several times,because of standing for the rights of
students and standing against the injustices that the student
communities experience.
So in general justice is
something that is determined by your political connection."

"The role of Christians and church in my
country is to
stand up and speak loudly against any type
of injustice. We have joined hands with other christian communities to stand up to any
type of injustice. For instance,
one thing that we have done is to
reach out to the student community and young people to work with the
elections, which we just did in 2013, whereby we mobilized the young
people to stand up against the abuse from politicians, to stand
against any form of political violence, and to stand up against any form
of political intimidation."

"We draw our inspiration from the book
of Esther. It calls us during trying times to our duty to stand up
and speak against any type of injustice, like Esther did. This is
what we are doing as a christian community.
We strongly believe
that it is our duty to stand the rights of voiceless, to stand for
the rights of the downtrodden. Even during our colonial times the
churches played a major role in supporting the marginalized. We still
strongly believe that it is our duty that the christian movement, and
the ecumenical movement to voice and stand against any form of
injustice. It is our duty to give hope, to give encouragement, and to
give strength to those who are facing any sort of injustice."
Tell me something beautiful you have witness in your country

In 2013 my country had one
constitution that was around from independence. This constitution was
not good for us, it had so many flaws. Up to 2013 is had been amended
several times. We saw that, as a country, it was not good for us, in
terms of building democracy. So it was that I and my colleagues
worked tirelessly in terms of
mobilizing young people to have
voice, because we are drafting a new constitution. And
I am
happy to say that right now we have new constitution that implicitly
states and protects the rights of the citizens. This is something
I am proud of, and this something that is good for the future of our
country. We still have a lot of work to do in terms of
operationalization of the constitution but
I strongly believe that
since we do have a constitution that binds us everything else in the
future will fall into place and do good for future generations,
in terms of building democracy for my country.