Happy week #10 of this project, Portraits of Justice!
Today I introduce you to Cydney, from Canada's east coast, and invite you to hear her understandings of justice as connected to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. The commission confronts Canada's colonial history of the Indian Residential Schools that resulted in a century of genocide and trauma for Indigenous populations.
With the recent conclusion of the TRC ceremonies, the responsibility of taking action for reconciliation has been commissioned to the government, various public sectors, the churches, and every citizen of Canada. It is but the beginning.
"Behind the stage
there were about 3000 cupcakes. We put a candle in every cupcake,
and took them out to the floor and gave them to everybody and while
we sang happy birthday. Because in the residential schools you
didn't get a birthday, we had a giant birthday party for everyone
who was there. They sang happy birthday in English, then in Inuktitut, Amiga, Obijiway, Mohawk, Algonquin...we sang happy
birthday for like an hour in all these different languages! There
was this 80 year old woman who was bawling her eyes out, because
from the age of 5-15, she didn't have a birthday, and after that she
was so messed up that it didn't matter to her. It was really
beautiful, to see that it mattered now."
"The TRC sticks out to
me most. It's a good attempt at justice. It's not going to fix
anything or everything, but I think the start of
justice and reparations is telling stories. I think that narratives
and storytelling is how you find commonality with other people, and
is the way that you start any kind of process to tackle any issue.
You start telling stories. That's not exactly what justice looks
like, but it is what justice sounds like, is focusing on narratives
and storytelling. Everyone's story is important."
"My dream way is that (Christians) would lead the charge for justice because they are divinely inspired to do so, and understand why equality is appropriate, and good and right. Whether they are able to do that is inhibited in a lot of ways by a lot of things. The role church is to inspire people...and interpret scripture in a way that doesn't alienate people and that doesn't promote more injustice"
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